
August 29-Sept 1, 2008 (Labor Day)

Bob Diaz | SpearBlog 2008 | September 02, 2008

I won't even bother putting up any stats about this weekend's weather because it would only remind me how bad the past 3 weekends have been due to the fact that the Atlantic has just remembered that it's hurricane season and we have had (and will continue to have for at least the next couple of weeks) tropical storms and hurricanes wreaking havoc with the seas and weather. After having one of the best visibility summers I can remember, it has all come to a crashing halt! From what I could see, the viz was about 6 inches because the seas looked like milk. Whitecaps as far as the eye could see too.


We actually ended up spending the worst weather day in the keys and coming home early just because we knew we couldn't dive or take the boat out. If this sounds like a griping session, it's supposed to! I have been hearing good things for our rod-n-reel friends however. They are slamming the dolphin and I hear the bottom fishing is fantastic too. At least somebody's happy about all this crappy weather.

Obviously, if I go out again soon I will be writing about it, but I don't know how likely that is going to be considering we have storms lined up in the Atlantic for at least the next 2 weeks. Last week it was Gustav. This week's entertainment brought to you by tropical storm Hannah and booked for the next two weeks are Hurricane Ike and tropical storm Josephine. Come back and enjoy the show! Bring the wife and kids too!

I guess I may not be diving until I need my wetsuit again.