Winds: 20-25 east (Sat)/5-10 east (Sun)
Seas: 3-5 feet (Sat) / 1-2 feet (Sun)
Surf Temp: 78F
Viz: 10-15 feet (inshore) / 40+ feet (offshore)
Unfortunately, this was another weekend without the advent of pictures of fish. The problem we run into is that the best day of the past few weekends has been Sunday and in efforts to take full advantage, we end up rushing to clean fish and just don't have time to stop and take pics.
We didn't really slaughter them this weekend, but we did have some decent luck with the mangoes. We were picky, so we only stuck to shooting the good size ones (3-4 lbs), but we were able to shoot enough to eat (and a little left over to freeze for the lean winter months:).
The big surprise to me this weekend was how the water cleaned up in such a short time after having darn near 30 mph winds for over 2 weeks. We were able to find clean water on Saturday in about 25 feet. But Sunday was the impressive day for diving. We found spots in 35-40 feet of water that were just crystalline.
Unfortunately, the water is also still a little on the cold side (especially since I don't use a suit during the summer), so by the last spot we jumped in on, I was cold to the core. The worst part was how the cold (and my subsequent body heat loss) seemed to affect my bottom time. It seemed like it was a lot more work to get down to and stay on the bottom when the water is chilly. Either way, still a nice weekend diving and having fun. Hopefully, we will get back to taking a lot more pics very soon.